Traveling with Anima

Hi everyone! I have exciting news to share! I am moving!

Not just down the street or to the coast but back to my first love, Italy. My daughter Anima Chiara and I will head out towards the end of Spring. Once we are settled in, time and funds permitting,  we plan on doing a lot of traveling all over Italy and of course to other countries as well.

Inspired by our pending move and my collaboration with a group of traveling mommy bloggers from Italy, 'Traveling with Anima'  has become the newest addition to SilvanaMondo online.

To give you a little background about me I will tell you that I grew up as a Third Culture Kid and that by the time I was 14 I had been enrolled in 8 different schools and lived on three different continents.  I realized as I was putting together the idea for this new venture that my daughter will be a third generation expat. The circumstances are different in each case but in our family her-story, a girl traveling from her homeland to a completely new culture has become a tradition. It's almost  a rite of passage. Life patterns make up a lot of oral history or storytelling. I believe authentic storytelling makes life's daily moments valuable and is an interesting way to learn about ritual and the art of living.

 In our personal adjustment to a new country and it's culture, the trick will be to accommodate both of our needs and dreams. Could become challenging at times, don't you think? In fact, it is in considering the differences between what is ideal for me and what might be ideal for my daughter that in part motivated me to create this extension to SilvanaMondo. I know how I experienced traveling as a young girl but of course, Anima will invariably experience it differently. Moving into an unknown can be scary. Traveling can be exciting. Missing what you know can be unsettling. That goes for adults as well as for children.

 'Traveling with Anima' is where we will meet to talk about our travels together and let you know what that looks and feels like, for us. 

For the time being the posts for Traveling with Anima will appear under the SilvanaMondo blog titles. A new Word Press site which will have everything under one house is currently under construction awaiting the finishing touches. If you haven't done so already I would love for you to sign up for the SilvanaMondo "On the Table' newsletter here, so that we can share this with you from the very beginning as well as other news and information.

Ciao for now,
Silvana & Anima


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